Governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of a school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable our school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children.
Being a school governor is a commitment to attending governing body meetings which consider issues such as setting the school vision, mitigating financial risk and scrutinising educational outcomes. They are also involved in the school community, acting as critical friends to the headteacher and senior leaders.
Governors bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives to the governing board and we benefit greatly from working with skilled volunteers, for example anyone with experience of finance, law, premises management or human resources.
Below, you will find details of the terms of office and nominated Governor roles for each serving member of the Governing Board at Oulton First School. Please note that all governors have full voting rights in all meetings.
Governors 2024 - 2025
September 2024: Link governor roles are currently under review
Craig Wass |
Chair and Co-opted Governor (Safeguarding, Health & Safety & Wellbeing, Premises, KET link) Term until March 2028 Pecuniary Interest – None |
Ange Arnold |
Vice Chair and Co-opted Governor (Finance, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, LAC) Term until November 2026 Pecuniary Interest – None |
Madeleine James |
Foundation Governor (SEND, Phonics, RE & SIAMS) Term until September 2024 Pecuniary Interest – None |
Charlotte Krupski |
Parent Governor (Humanities, PHSE, Computing) Term until May 2026 Pecuniary Interest – None |
Simon Hodgkinson |
Foundation Governor (English, MFL, PE, DT) Term until December 2027 Pecuniary Interest – None |
Claire Peace |
Parent Governor (Maths) Term until October 2026 Pecuniary Interest – None |
Vacancy |
Parent Governor Term until Pecuniary Interest – None |
Rebecca Dack
Parent Governor (Science) Term until January 2027 Pecuniary Interest – None |
Amy Graham |
Executive Headteacher Pecuniary Interest – None |
Melanie Melling |
Head of School Pecuniary Interest – None |
Our Local Governing Board meet on a half termly basis.
We have no committees apart from Finance and Personnel/Pay committee which is discussed at a KET level.
Attendance at meetings
21/9/21 9/10 (82%)
11/1/22 7/10 (70%)
06/4/22 5/10 (50%)
11/5/22 7/11 (64%)
28/6/22 8 /11 (72%)
20/9/22 8 /8 (100%)
29/11/22 7/9 (78%)
17/11/23 10/10 (100%)
22/03/23 10/10 (100%)
16/05/23 7/10 (70%)
27/06/23 cancelled
19/09/23 8/10 (80%
28/11/23 5/9 (56%)
16/01/24 6/9 (66%)
20/03/24 8/9 (89%)
14/05/24 8/9 (89%)
Meetings Scheduled 2024/25