Welcome to Class 3!

We have two class teachers, Mrs Dawson (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Roberts (Wednesday-Friday).

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Please communicate in the first instance with office@oulton.staffs.sch.uk

The Class 3 email address is: class3@oulton.staffs.sch.uk

Times Tables

The test will take place on Thursday mornings whenever possible. If for some reason (eg a school trip) the test does not take place, please move on to the next week’s learning.

Year 3

Week beginning

Times table

24th Feb


3rd March


10th March


17th March


24th March


31st March 11x
7th April 10x

Year 4

Week beginning

Times table

24th Feb


3rd March


10th March


17th March


24th March


31st March 4x
7th April 8x


Year 4 should also be using the times tables check test analysis tool feedback to help them to focus on personalised times tables revision. Times Tables

Two websites/apps will be very useful for the children as they practise the times tables and other key Maths recall facts.

These are:

  • The 1-minute Maths app by White Rose Maths. White Rose Maths
  • Times Tables This website will need you to look at it with your child so that they can use if most effectively. If you use this link, it will take you straight to the area of the site which progressively helps the children to learn the target table. There is a games area which is more for fun practice after the learning!

Both the 1-minute Maths app and the Times Tables website will give feedback on the questions that the children get wrong.

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Analogue time: o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past any hour.

Analogue time: multiples of 5 past or to any hour e.g. twenty-five to 6.

Class 3's Visit to Chester

Class have been learning about the Romans. They went to Chester to have a Roman experience day.