Curriculum Intent
At Oulton First School, our computing curriculum ensures that all children understand and value the importance of computing and internet safety from a young age. With our ever-changing technological world, we acknowledge that future generations will rely heavily on using technology and computing alongside digital skills in order to support their progress within their chosen future career.
Therefore, at Oulton First School we aim to teach and equip children with all of the relevant skills and knowledge that is required to understand the three core areas of computing:
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Digital Literacy
In our computing curriculum, we aim to offer a broad and balanced approach to provide quality first teaching of this subject. Computing is an integral part of a child’s education and everyday life. Therefore, we plan and allow children time to access and understand the core principals in computing through engaging and cross curricular opportunities.
At Oulton First School we:
- Motivate and encourage enthusiasm and appreciation of computing via engaging and well-planned lessons, allowing the children to use their skills to create and develop new ideas.
- Identify real-world examples and creative challenges in which pupils can explore and extend their understanding of computing.
- Support children to develop and achieve as competent and confident users by integrating computing skills throughout other subjects across the curriculum.
- Ensure that pupils develop a respectful and responsible attitude towards using information and communication technology, especially with regards to their own and others' safety.
- Promote responsible online behaviour and safety so that children can recognise risks associated with using the internet.
- Provide a safe space in which pupils can navigate and interact with the digital world, whilst exploring their own personal expression and identity.
We follow the National Curriculum using the Purple Mash scheme of work, which provides progression and a breadth of knowledge across all year groups.
Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of computing involves the following:
- Teachers demonstrate a high level of enthusiasm for the subject content.
- Expectations of the children in each year group are driven by the subject progression grids provided by Purple Mash.
- The Purple Mash scheme of work ensures that the following is taught:
- Computer Science – the understanding of coding and programming across a range of physical devices and digital resources.
- Information Technology – the range of skills required to operate and manipulate specific programs, systems, and content.
- Digital Literacy – the knowledge required to use technology safely and to evaluate and react to any potential risks of the online/digital world.
- Children in EYFS have access to iPads, games, and content on the interactive whiteboard, as well as Mini Mash which is an Early Years friendly platform provided by Purple Mash.
- All children in school have logins so that Purple Mash and Mini Mash can be accessed at home.
- Children at Oulton First School participate in ‘Safer Internet Day.’ Each class uses age-appropriate texts, videos and activities.
- Cross-curricular opportunities are identified to create links between termly topics and to ensure that computing is not just seen as a discrete subject.
- Children are exposed and introduced to a variety of software, programs, and equipment in order to offer a range of appropriate challenges and experiences.
- Specific vocabulary for each year group is outlined in the progression grids and this is modelled by teachers within their lessons.
Our computing curriculum ensures that children in all age groups use technology across the curriculum with confidence both in and out of school.
Children are confident and enthusiastic in their approach to their learning in computing. They are competent and have secure understanding of the positives and negatives in computing and the digital world. Children are well equipped with skills to help themselves stay safe online and know from whom they should seek help if online issues arise.