Curriculum Intent
At Oulton First School, we intend to build and deliver a high-quality design and technology curriculum, which fosters the enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose in designing and making products and in learning how to cook. Through the acquisition of appropriate knowledge and skills, we aim to develop children’s creative, technical and imaginative thinking so that they can design innovative, thoughtful products for a range of users. Children will have the opportunity to apply their growing body of knowledge and skills in order to design, make and evaluate their own ideas and products. They will also understand how to apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook independently. Our aim is for children to become resourceful, innovative and competent young designers, who are given the opportunity to explore their own ideas and develop the creative and practical skills required to solve real and relevant problems.
To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in design and technology, we implement a curriculum offer that is progressive throughout the whole school. Progression in skills and knowledge are clearly outlined in our design and technology progression grid, which maintains strong links to the National Curriculum. Design and technology is taught as part of a termly topic and each project follows the design, make, evaluate process (with exception to teaching cooking skills). Opportunities to take part in D&T activities are woven through the early years curriculum. Our KS1 design and technology curriculum is divided into four categories: structures, mechanisms, textiles and cooking & nutrition. KS2 design and technology curriculum is divided into five categories: structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems/computing and cooking & nutrition. Our curriculum is taught on a two-year cycle in all classes. Within this cycle, each year group will complete at least one cooking project and two projects from the other categories ensuring all phase objectives are covered over the two-year period. Where appropriate, we make cross-curricular links so that projects have a meaningful context and build on children’s knowledge in other subjects. In order to plan for repetition and building of prior knowledge, teachers are expected to know what has been taught previously as well as having a secure understanding of what needs to be taught.
Children develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world. Children leave Oulton First School equipped with the age-appropriate skills to prepare and cook healthily as well as understanding the importance of a healthy and varied diet. Children will apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to design and make products of increasing quality. They also understand that designing and making is an iterative process that will develop the skills to evaluate and improve their products throughout and following a project. Children can talk about the skills and knowledge they have acquired and link them to the range of topics covered. At Oulton First School, children enjoy designing and making artefacts and food products using a range of skills, which makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture and well-being of every child now and in later life.