Curriculum Intent

At Oulton First School, we aim to deliver a high-quality geography curriculum, which inspires children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We aim to equip children with geographical knowledge and skills that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Geography, by nature, is an investigative subject. Teachers use creative, collaborative and discussion-based approaches to bring geography alive and give children the opportunity to explore new learning themselves.

Children will frequently engage in practical activities in and beyond the classroom. They will investigate a range of places (to include the local area, the UK and the wider world) to develop their knowledge of the earth’s human and physical processes. We intend that children will become confident using key geographical skills across a range of contexts. Children will have the opportunity to collect and analyse data, interpret sources of geographical information (maps, globes, digital mapping etc.) and to communicate geographical knowledge in a variety of ways. We seek to deepen the children’s understanding by encouraging them to ask and answer questions about the world and provide them with the skills needed to become independent and competent geographers.


Teachers use the school grounds, the local area and residential trips for fieldwork. We are passionate about developing knowledge, understanding and skills through children being outside and enjoying the geography around them. Educational visits are also incorporated into the curriculum which enables children to gain real-life experiences and apply skills practically. Where appropriate, we make cross-curricular links so that learning is repeated in several contexts and children are given opportunities to recall knowledge and skills, strengthening their long-term memory. The curriculum is designed to build on prior knowledge to secure progression. 


Our geography curriculum is high quality and planned to demonstrate clear progression. Children develop the geographical knowledge and skills to enable them to explore, navigate and understand the world around them. Engaging lessons shape inquisitive learners who aspire to research and explore new learning further. Not only are children equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding set out in the Primary National Curriculum, they are also prepared to become competent geographers in the next stage of their education and as an adult living in the wider world.