Curriculum Intent

At Oulton First School, our PSHE curriculum is a planned and progressive programme of learning designed to offer all children the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives and contribute positively to society, now and in the future. Children are given the opportunity to:

  • Develop positive, healthy and secure friendships and relationships with those they meet in and out of school and to understand the qualities of making relationships.
  • Learn about positive, emotional, and mental well-being and help children to communicate when they do not feel happy and secure in their friendships and relationships.  
  • Empower children with the knowledge to look after their own physical and emotional health.
  • Learn the importance of healthy, balanced lifestyles and physical activity
  • Learn how to support themselves and others too; for example, children can learn about safety in and out of the home, online safety, and the importance of hygiene and cleanliness. 
  • Learn about the qualities and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of the local community and wider society.
  • Learn how to become active, informed and responsible citizens by taking responsibility for themselves and their communities.

Our PSHE curriculum at Oulton First School has many themes that are linked to other subject areas, for example online safety in computing, and learning about themselves and their bodies in science.

In summary, our intent is to help children to understand and value how they and others fit into and contribute to the world. We have a strong emphasis on building resilience, growth mindset and nurturing mental and physical health throughout the delivery of PSHE as a whole school. We also promote and practise mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus. Our approach aims to develop the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society and the global community.


PSHE is implemented using the ENTRUST programme of work which is a whole school approach. Progression in skills and knowledge in the subject is outlined in the PSHE progression grid. The curriculum for PSHE is delivered throughout the whole school during our weekly timetable.

Our PSHE sessions are age-appropriate and adaptable depending on individual classes and needs. During the year, children will spend specific PSHE lessons focusing on six different topics as shown below:

  • Me and My School
  • Me and My Safety
  • Happy and Healthy Me
  • Me and My Relationships
  • Me and Other People
  • Me in the World

Our PSHE lessons are varied and involve class discussion, group work and games. However, we strive as a school to promote positive relationships and health education throughout our day-to-day teaching and learning. For example, as a school we celebrate the qualities of our Christian value Friendship on a daily basis and we reinforce this during our worships and our special celebration assemblies.

As a school we respond to the needs of our classes through circle times and daily conversations supporting their emotional needs. We include themed weeks within our curriculum, including Mental Health Awareness Week and Online Safety Week.

Our PSHE curriculum helps pupils to develop themselves, their understanding of the world, the ability to self-regulate and communicate their feelings. Children also acquire an understanding and experiences of British values that are necessary if they are to make sense of their experiences, value themselves, respect others, appreciate differences and feel confident and informed as a British citizen.


The impact of following our PSHE curriculum is that the standards of attainment across the school meet or exceed those which are expected of children nationally. If children are healthy, have positive relationships and are able to communicate their feelings and needs, they will thrive and make good progress, both in school and home. Our children are caring, respectful, responsible, confident and well behaved individuals who are prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.