The Families’ Health and Wellbeing (0-19) Service

The Families’ Health and Wellbeing (0-19) Service is the local Health Visiting and School Nursing service. They offer support to schools and parents of children aged 0 to 19 years around lots of health related topics to help children. 

Please follow the link to an e-leaflet, which introduces your local School Nurses and shares some development and health information which parents/carers of reception aged children may find useful:

The e-leaflet also contains a link to a contact form.  This form is confidential, which means the answers you give will be returned to the Families’ Health and Wellbeing Service and will not be shared with our school.

The Families’ Health and Wellbeing Service can also be contacted through the Children and Families Health and Wellbeing Single Point of Access (CaFSPA), often referred to as the Hub, or their ChatHealth (text) services.

CaFSPA Freephone: 0808 178 0611 (press option 1)

ChatHealth (cost of standard rate message) text: 07520 615 722

Family Support:

Please see the links and tool kits attached below:

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CAMHS Resources

Children and adult mental health services (CAMHS) pooled together useful resources that can help support mental health and well-being.

Young Persons Advice from Action for Children

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Look here for ways to support well-being, advice and information about a range of mental health issues.

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