Our School Ethos
Oulton First School exists to serve the local community. As a Church of England school, each member of the school community is valued, respected and treated equally regardless of gender, race, belief and ability.
We seek to enable children to achieve their potential through self-belief, perseverance, hard work, challenge and fun. We do this by devising an exciting and vibrant curriculum, which engages and enthuses our children and this, in turn, is supported by our shared Christian values of trust, thankfulness, friendship, forgiveness and koinonia.
Oulton First School actively promotes the value of each person made in the image of God. The school teaches that discrimination in any form is unacceptable and this is achieved through the PSHE curriculum, worship and assembly time, the wider curriculum and by constantly reinforcing the school’s Christian values. All staff support this emphasis on valuing and respecting each other and model this to the children in their classrooms and around the school.