Welcome to Class 1!

We are home to Nursery and Reception. We have two class teachers, Mrs Hitchin from Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Melling from Wednesday until Friday. We are supported by Mrs Hooley, a Nursery Nurse.

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Class 1 email address is: class1@oulton.staffs.sch.uk

Class 1 Useful Links:

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The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is divided into three prime areas of learning and four specific areas:-

Prime Areas:

  • Communication and Language Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Pupils have access to a wide range of learning through play and enjoy a mix of child initiated and adult led activities. Pupils have daily phonics sessions and free flow access to a large outdoor area.

Look at us learning!

The children enjoy using the interactive whiteboard.