Ladybirds Nursery 

Our Ladybirds Nursery is a governor-run setting which means that the Governing Body of the First School oversee the management of the provision. We have a vibrant indoor learning environment that the children share with our Reception class children and an extensive outdoor environment.

We follow the EYFS curriculum where pupils engage in a creative, hands-on approach and experience opportunities that are driven by children's interests.

Transition into Ladybirds

If you are interested in joining our nursery we offer play and stay sessions for you to enjoy with your child so that you can talk to staff and see the nursery in action. Our teachers can also arrange a home visit to provide you with further information.

Transiton into Reception

It is a smooth transition into Reception as Ladybirds share the same facilities so children will already be familiar with the routine and EYFS team. In the summer term, we hold a Parents Information evening where the EYFS team will provide further information in preparation for the transition to Reception. This is followed by some transition sessions where children are offered the opportunity to join in with activities along with other upcoming Reception children.

We accommodate the 15-hour universal provision, Monday to Wednesday with the option of purchasing or using the 30-hour code for additional hours on a Wednesday. (Please note that  30-hours can be split between two settings).

  • Monday: 9 am - 3.15 pm
  • Tuesday: 9 am - 3.15 pm
  • Wednesday: 9 am - 11.30 (or  optional 3.15 pm)

Children can join Ladybirds Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday and we offer three admissions throughout the year - September, April and January.

We can also provide before and after-school care with our external provider Little Stars who use our facilities.

Please make an appointment to visit our setting with the office manager - Mrs Elliott.

What should I do next?

Please read our admissions criteria and complete the following forms. Paper copies are available from the school office.

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Further Information on Nursery Funding

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